Mary Wheeler
Billing Specialist
How long have you worked for Easton Utilities?
I have worked for Easton Utilities for almost 9 years.
Describe your job history at EU.
I started with Easton Utilities as a Customer Service Representative. I was there for 7 years and then I was fortunate to move into the billing department.
What is your favorite part of your job and working for EU?
I love the way Easton Utilities gets involved with the community. I love participating in events and taking part in making my community a better place to live.
During your service with EU, is there one key moment that stands out as significant or unique?
I was the first Customer Service Representative to accomplish making it to CSR III. There is a long list of things you have to achieve and it made me proud when I finished, especially when I did my presentation to management.
What EU tradition is your favorite and why?
The annual company picnic is my favorite. I get the chance to meet my coworker’s families. It is just a fun day for everyone.
How do you feel EU positively impacts the community?
If you talk to most anyone in the community they will tell you what a great organization Easton Utilities is. We are always there to lend a hand and help all the organizations in our community, especially the non-profits.
Describe your life outside of work.
I am currently serving as a member of the Board of Education representing District 6. I am also on the Board of Directors for the Education Foundation of Talbot County. When we get time my husband and I love to spend time with our children and grandchildren. We also like to play golf and watch the Orioles play.
Describe the members of your family and any pets.
My husband Wayne and I have 3 children. We also have 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Our family has grown so much that it is hard to get them all together, but we try.
What plans do you have for the future?
I haven’t decided when I want to retire yet but that is what I am working toward. When that happens we plan to play a lot of golf and spend a lot of time with our family.