Current Construction Projects


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Construction Details

Easton Utilities continually invests in necessary upgrades and improvements to the Town’s utility infrastructure to ensure reliable, safe and efficient operations. Check this page for construction details and other relev​ant documents for current and potential contractors.

G-100 - General
G-100.1  SHA Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Issued 01/31/24
G-100.2  Utility Mains: Street ROW Locations Issued 01/31/24
G-100.3  Easement Minimum Widths Issued 01/31/24
G-101 - Pipe
G-101.1  Concrete Encasement Issued 01/31/24
G-101.2  Casing Installation for Pressure Pipe Issued 01/31/24
G-101.3  Thrust Isolator Assembly Issued 01/31/24
G-102 – As-Builts
G-102.1  Water Service and Sewer Lateral As-Built Drawing Issued 01/31/24
G-102.2  Sanitary Sewer As-Built Drawing Issued 01/31/24
GS-100 – Trench
GS-100.1  Gas Main Trench Issued 01/31/24
GS-100.2  Gas Joint Trench Issued 01/31/24
GS-101 – Meter
GS-101.1  Gas Meter Installation Issued 01/31/24
SS-100 - Trench
SS-100.1  Gravity Sewer/Forcemain Main Trench Issued 01/31/24
SS-101 - Manhole
SS-101.1  Precast Concrete Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.2  Shallow Precast Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.3  Outside Drop Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.4  Doghouse Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.5  Brick Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.6  Manhole Flow Channels Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.7  Manhole Frame and Cover Issued 01/31/24
SS-101.8  Manhole Chimney Joint Seal Issued 01/31/24
SS-102 – Laterals and Cleanouts
SS-102.1  Gravity Sewer Cleanouts Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.2  Sewer House Connection Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.3  Drop Sewer House Connection Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.4  Sewer Collection System Sewer House Service Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.5  Sewer Lateral Restoration Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.6  Mainline Cleanout Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.7  Mainline Cleanout Frame and Cover Issued 01/31/24
SS-102.8  Traffic Bearing Cleanout Cover Issued 01/31/24
SS-103 – Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)
SS-103.1  FOG Design Issued 01/31/24
SS-103.2  Hydromechanical Grease Trap Issued 01/31/24
SS-103.3  Grease Interceptor Issued 01/31/24
SS-103.4  Automatic Grease Recovery Device Issued 01/31/24
SS-104 - Forcemain
SS-104.1  Air Release Valve Assemble in Precast Manhole Issued 01/31/24
SS-104.2  Forcemain Discharge to Sewer Manhole Issued 01/31/24
W-100 – Trench Details
W-100.1  PVC Water Main Installation Issued 01/31/24
W-100.2  Water Main Joint Trenching Issued 01/31/24
W-100.3  Water Main Deflection Issued 01/31/24
W-101 - Fittings
W-101.1  Buttresses For Caps and Horizontal Bends Issued 01/31/24
W-101.2  Thrust Block Vertical Bends Issued 01/31/24
        W-101.2.1  Thrust Block Vertical Bend Dimension Table Issued 01/31/24
W-101.3  Mechanical Joint Restraint: Ductile Iron and PVC Pipe Issued 01/31/24
W-101.4  MJ x MJ Adaptor Issued 01/31/24
W-102 – Appurtenances
W-102.1  Fire Hydrant Issued 01/31/24
W-102.2  Gate Valve Assembly Issued 01/31/24
W-102.3  Screw Type Valve Box Issued 01/31/24
W-102.4  Blow Off Sampling Station Issued 01/31/24
W-102.5  Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer – Greater than 2” Dia. Issued 01/31/24
W-102.6  Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer – 2” Dia. and Less Issued 01/31/24
W-103 – Services and Meters
W-103.1  1” Water Service Issued 01/31/24
W-103.2  2” Water Service Issued 01/31/24
W-103.3  Curb Stop and Box Issued 01/31/24
W-103.4  Water Service Connection Issued 01/31/24
W-103.5  Residential Lawn Irrigation Meter Detail Issued 01/31/24
W-103.6  Water Meter Pit Installation – Traffic Bearing Issued 01/31/24
W-103.7  Commercial/Domestic Fire Services Issued 01/31/24
E-100 - General
E-100.1  Notes Issued 01/31/24
          E-100.1.1  General Electric Notes Issued 01/31/24
          E-100.1.2  Conduit & Duct Bank Notes Issued 01/31/24
          E-100.1.3  HDPE & Directional Drilling Notes Issued 01/31/24
E-100.2  Typical Trench Detail Issued 01/31/24
E-100.3  Duct Trench Layout Transformer Pad & CATV Ped Issued 01/31/24
E-100.4  Electric Service & Conduit Requirements – Not Issued
E-100.5  Electric Equipment Placement – Not Issued
E-100.6  Electric Equipment Clearances – Not Issued
E-100.7  Typical Bollard Placement for Transformers – Not Issued
E-101 – Transformer Pads
E-101.1  Single Phase Transformer Pads
          E-101.1.1  Single Phase Transformer Pad (25 – 50 KVA) Issued 01/31/24
          E-101.1.2  Single Phase Transformer Pad (75 – 167 KVA) Issued 01/31/24
          E-101.1.3  Single Phase Transformer Concrete Pad – Not Issued
E-101.2  Three Phase Transformer Pads
          E-101.2.1  Three Phase Transformer Pad (75 – 150 KVA) Issued 01/31/24
          E-101.2.2  Three Phase Transformer Pad (225 – 750 KVA) Issued 01/31/24
          E-101.2.3  Three Phase Transformer Concrete Pad – Not Issued
E-102 – Tap Cabinets
E-102.1  Single Phase Tap Cabinets
          E-102.1.1  Single Phase Tap Cabinet Issued 01/31/24
E-102.2  Three Phase Tap Cabinets
          E-102.2.1  Three Phase Tap Cabinet Issued 01/31/24
E-103 – Ground Sleeves
E-103.1  Switching Cabinet Fiberglass Ground Sleeve Issued 01/31/24
E-104 – Manholes
E-104.1  Electric Manhole (6’x6’x7’ – Frame & Cover) Issued 01/31/24
E-104.2  Electric Manhole (8’x8’x7’ – Frame & Cover) Issued 01/31/24
E-104.3  Electric Manhole (8’x12’x8’ – Frame & Cover) Issued 01/31/24
E-104.4  Electric Manhole (8’x12’x8’ – Hatch) – Not Issued
E-105 – Vaults and Handholes
E-105.1  Quazite Box (36”x36”x30”) Issued 01/31/24
E-106 – Streetlights
E-106.1  Standard Streetlight Poles
          E-106.1.1  Fiberglass Pole Streetlight Installation Issued 01/31/24
          E-106.1.2  Aluminum Pole Streetlight Installation – Not Issued
E-106.2  Colonial Streetlight Poles
          E-106.2.1  Fiberglass Colonial Pole Streetlight Installation – Not Issued
          E-106.2.2  Aluminum Colonial Pole Streetlight Installation – Not Issued