Ben Cahall
Infrastructure Locator
How long have you worked for Easton Utilities?
2 years and 2 months
Describe your job history at EU.
I was hired as an infrastructure locator, I am still in that position training for infrastructure locator/inspector.
What is your favorite part of your job and working for EU?
All of it is great but I believe my favorite part is working with our crews during emergency situations like electric outages, watermain breaks. I get to see the immediate return on how well I performed my job.
During your service with EU, is there one key moment that stands out as significant or unique?
Every moment is unique, every locate is unique with its own individual challenges. That is what keeps me interested after 22 years in the industry.
What EU tradition is your favorite and why?
I suppose the turkey drop is, just because of the time of year. However, any time all of us get a chance to gather and share stories, the laughs are a plenty.
How do you feel EU positively impacts the community?
I don’t know of an organization that is more involved in the community. EU as a whole volunteering with many local organizations then our employees in their own time. Making a difference in the lives of others. It becomes contagious in a good way.
Describe your life outside of work.
I’m a dad and a bonus dad to 5 amazing children. 21-8 they are all successful and amazing in their own unique ways. They typically keep me busy. I enjoy fishing, hunting, spending quiet time with my fiancé. I also enjoy keeping my ear out for issues in the community. I offer my time as an advocate for issues regarding education and social inequities. I like to volunteer my time making connections for those in need to services offered in the community as well.
Describe the members of your family and any pets.
Jen (Fiance- intelligent, loving, understanding, and very patient), Ben Jr. (intellingent, hardworking, sarcastic), Madison (intelligent, beautiful, outgoing), Ashlen (intelligent, beautiful, shy), Jason (intelligent, hardworking, athletic), Connor (lord help us, cute, funny, intelligent, comedian in the making), then Boots the cat (sleeps all day and parties all night).
What plans do you have for the future?
Marriage (sooner than later), being the best husband, father (bonus Dad), and eventually grandfather I can be. Write a children’s book.
Anything else interesting you’d like to share?
I once won an eating contest where I ate 18.5 eclairs in 2 minutes. I’ve done some pretty amazing things in my life, however if I share them here I won’t have anything juicy for my biography.