Emily Turchi
Water/Wastewater Lab Tech & Industrial Pre-Treatment Coordinator
How long have you worked for Easton Utilities?
A year and five months.
Describe your job history at EU.
I started as an intern for the summer in the water/wastewater department in 2014 during my junior year in college and was invited to continue working part time while I went to school. After I completed graduate school in 2018, I took all the knowledge I had gained while working here in the lab and was able to apply it elsewhere for a few years, until Wallace Willey retired and I was asked if I’d be interested in interviewing for his position and coming back to work for Easton Utilities full time as their water/wastewater lab technician and industrial pretreatment coordinator.
What is your favorite part of your job and working for EU?
I enjoy how challenging it is and how often I get to learn new things and apply my Biology degree to the position. The environment at EU is unlike anywhere I’ve ever worked, they really take care of their employees and I really appreciate all of the opportunities that are provided for advancement.
During your service with EU, is there one key moment that stands out as significant or unique?
Looking back as an intern and now as a full time employee, how much everyone was so willing to teach me and still are and how much they wanted and still do want to see me succeed and advance myself.
What EU tradition is your favorite and why?
I don’t think I have a favorite, they’ll all great. Often times you don’t get to socialize with everyone from the different departments, especially working so far away from in town, so any event or any time you get to catch up with people outside your department that you don’t get to see every day is nice.
How do you feel EU positively impacts the community?
Gosh, EU does so much for the community and provides so many opportunities for us to get involved, which in and of itself is such a positive impact. You don’t see a lot of big companies like ours doing that as much. You can see it all around just driving through town and hearing all of the positive things people have to say about EU.
Describe your life outside of work.
Just hang out at home with my husband or try new places to eat in Easton, we’ve pretty much eaten everywhere so if you need recommendations. I also listen to way too many true crime podcasts.
Describe the members of your family and any pets.
My husband Joe works as a Harley motorcycle technician for Eastern Performance in Annapolis. No dog yet, but we’re looking.
What plans do you have for the future?
Just continue to take every opportunity I’m given to learn and grow and give back to the company that invested so much into me as an intern and now as a full time employee.