Jeremy Newnam
How long have you worked for Easton Utilities?
I’m closing in on my 5th year being employed by Easton Utilities.
Describe your job history at EU.
I began working at EU January 26th, 2016. I started my career at EU as an Assistant Operator. Since then I’ve completed 2 certification programs, one through Northwest Lineman College, and the other through PJM Interconnection. By doing this it allowed me to be promoted to Operator and that’s been my title ever since.
What is your favorite part of your job and working for EU?
My favorite part of working for this company is the hospitality and comradery that surrounds EU and all its employees. Everyone at EU is always ready to lend a helping hand to coworkers, customers, or anyone they can help.
During your service with EU, is there one key moment that stands out as significant or unique?
The tenure invested within the company has always been an amazing site to see within EU. I’ve witnessed numerous individuals with 30+ years of service retire from the company and many more that are still employed. Investing that amount of time into something speaks for itself.
What EU tradition is your favorite and why?
My favorite tradition at EU is the annual company picnic. Friends, family, and coworkers all come together for a relaxing day of food, crabs, corn hole, and good times. Pay day is always a good tradition too.
How do you feel EU positively impacts the community?
The community has always been on the forefront of EU. Not only do they continually try to find the latest and greatest way to provide customers with the best services they can, they take it a step farther and try to impact the community in other aspects as well. EU has hosted many opportunities for employees to take part in helping Habitat for Humanity, debris clean up, and even environmental cleanup of evasive plant species.
Describe your life outside of work.
Another huge aspect of my life outside of work would have to be the volunteer fire service. I’ve been with the Trappe Volunteer Fire Company for 8+ years and to say that it’s anything less than another full time job would be an understatement, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m a firm believer in doing your part in your community and the fire department is me trying to do my part. #tyfys
Describe the members of your family and any pets.
I am surrounded by such a supportive circle. I attribute almost everything in my life, in one aspect or another, to the ones that have helped guide me through this crazy thing called life. No matter what route I’ve taken I’ve always been encouraged and pushed to be the best I can be, and without the ones closest to me, my life would have been completely different.
What plans do you have for the future?
I plan to continue to grow with EU, strengthen the connections with the people that surround me, make memories, and enjoy the small things in life that are often taken advantage of.