Lloyd Shaffer
CAD/ESRI Specialist I
How long have you worked for Easton Utilities?
Almost 31 years. October 23, 1990.
Describe your job history at EU.
I started as a Draftsman 2 performing mostly electric plans. I have been promoted twice to Design Draftsman 1 and then Design Draftsman 2 designing Easton Utilities and Town of Easton water, sewer, gas and storm drain construction plans and all pertaining permitting. I also take care of bore requests and plan reviews for the TOE. Update water and sewer on ESRI.
What is your favorite part of your job and working for EU?
I have always enjoyed preparing plans for construction. I not only get to work with some wonderful co-workers, but I also get to be involved with the staff at the Town of Easton, Talbot County, SHA, Soil Conservation and all the A&E firms that contract with the TOE/Easton Utilities.
During your service with EU, is there one key moment that stands out as significant or unique?
Without a doubt, it has to be the Ice Storm of 1994. If ever Easton Utilities had a positive impact on the community, February of 1994 was it. It affected the entire town and surrounding area. Nearly every employee of EU worked the Ice Storm in one form or another. For me, it was 3 ½ weeks working over 16 hours a day on a line truck; first with Russell Miles then with Alan Chance. I got to see firsthand our electric system come down and fail from the ice and I was there to put it all back up again while battling the freezing weather conditions. I will never forget it.
What EU tradition is your favorite and why?
Turkey Drop. Who doesn’t like turkey! I also enjoy seeing all the retirees during this time of the year.
How do you feel EU positively impacts the community?
When I started here, cable tv had only been in town for 6 years and the company only had a few computers. Keeping up with all the new technology over the years and EU providing that technology (internet, TV, phone, velocity, etc.), not only positively impacts our community but has also provided careers in these fields. Planting trees, Habitat for Humanity and all the environmental stewardship projects and community events that EU helps out in is something that you don’t see many other companies get involved with. People need to see that EU is not just here to provide utility services. EU cares about its community. That’s part of being a civil servant.
Describe your life outside of work.
I play the guitar, bass and mandolin. I enjoy watching football and baseball, traveling and spending time with family. I attend Faith Bible Church in Sudlersville MD.
Describe the members of your family and any pets.
I have been married to my wife Judy for over 37 years. We have three children who are all now married with one granddaughter and another grandchild on the way due this November. My wife and I also have our dog Foxy.
What plans do you have for the future?
Continue working for EU till retirement. I received my Ministry degree several years ago. Hopefully I will be able to put it to use doing church work in the future.
Anything else interesting you’d like to share?
Before going into utility work, I used to work for Defense Contractors designing and building components/machinery for naval ships and aircraft that are still in use today.