Easton Utilities welcomed six interns to participate in the summer-long internship program, now in its tenth year. The internship program is a formal, comprehensive experience consisting of tours, learning workshops, projects and presentations. The tours and workshops educate the interns on the various services, infrastructure, and demands of each department at Easton Utilities.
The most recent group of interns includes:
• Julie Andrew, Business Administration Major from Salisbury University
• Octavia Doughty, Information Systems Major from Salisbury University
• Dylan Nepert, Mathematics Major from Washington College
• Will Peerman, Geography & Business Administration Major from Salisbury University
• Luca Tondin, Electrical Engineering Major from University of Maryland
• Sienna Wroten, Accounting & Information Systems Major from Salisbury University
Upon completing this in-depth orientation, the interns are fully submerged in their respective departments for a true hands-on experience. In the first few weeks, they each select a specific project to focus on during the internship and are required to give a presentation at the culmination of the program. “Our goal is to provide an environment conducive to learning by assigning skill-based tasks and promoting leadership in a professional setting,” said Melissa Book, Human Resources Generalist for Easton Utilities.
The internship program, led by Book, has helped many students secure full-time positions with both Easton Utilities and elsewhere upon graduating.