Six fresh faces have arrived at Easton Utilities eager to begin participating in the summer-long internship program, now in its eighth year. The company welcomed Morgan Kearney, Mining and Civil Engineering Majors from West Virginia University; Erin Sauter, Computer Science and Engineering Majors from Washington College; and Susanna Shaffer, Graphic Design Major from Liberty University, plus three Salisbury University students – Christopher Bounds, Environmental Studies Major; Nicholas Marshall, Accounting Major; and Will Peerman, Business Administration Major.
The internship program is a formal, comprehensive experience consisting of tours, learning workshops, projects and presentations. The tours and workshops educate the interns on the various services, infrastructure, and demands of each department at Easton Utilities. While completing this in-depth orientation, the interns are fully submerged in their respective departments for a true hands-on experience. In the first few weeks, they each select a specific project to focus on during the internship and are required to give a presentation at the culmination of the program. Hugh E. Grunden, President and CEO of Easton Utilities, stated, “An internship with Easton Utilities is an ideal opportunity to apply lessons learned in the classroom and acquire firsthand knowledge in an active business environment.”
The program is led by Melissa Book, Human Resources Assistant and Athena Mellis, Systems Analyst in IT, who was also an intern in 2015. The internship experience has helped many interns secure full time positions with both Easton Utilities and elsewhere upon graduating.
For more information about the internship program at Easton Utilities, please call 410-822-6110.